Monday, August 4, 2008

The many tastes of food

Well, I think we finally found a food that Jacob does not like, sweet peas! He has liked everything else up until he tried peas. He has had carrots, green beans, squash (his fav), sweet potato, pears, apples, rice cereal, and oatmeal, he enjoys all of those. Thursday evening I tried sweet peas and he kept spitting it out, as I was feeding him pears for the first time on Saturday, which he loved but they were a bit tart so he kept sticking his bottom lip out, it was so cute. I tried to slip a little sweet peas in there while giving him was a no go again, he made some pretty priceless faces.

Next up is banana's and peaches, if he does well with those we're going to move onto stage 2 foods, their is a much larger variety in stage 2 so I am looking forward to having him move on. Well these pictures speak for themselves, quick post tonight since I am tired...God Bless!

Pears, mmmmm


The bottom lip thing


Sweet pea time
