Well the cruise itself was pretty fun, the food was fabulous, we had three course lunches and dinners each day and huge breakfast buffets, along with 24 hour room service, ice cream, pizza, and juices, it was so nice just to eat whatever and not pay (of course its all pre-paid months in advance). I know I had to have gained 3 or 4 pounds, I won't be stepping on the scale for a couple more weeks. I wasn't into all the partying going on, on the cruise, their was a lot of drinking, smoking, gambling, etc...all stuff that I am not into. We enjoyed the shows and watching the water. Our day on the island of Cozumel was rainy and overcast all day, we still tried to make the most of it, its a beautiful place and I wish I could have seen it on a pretty sunny day. I loved the formal night on the cruise where we got to dress up all fancy, that was probably my favorite night. Our next cruise will either be a Christian Music Boat cruise or a Disney cruise, I know Jacob would really enjoy the latter, we're thinking of going again in 2010.
Jacob is growing so much, he is an expert crawler, he scooted for the longest time but the last couple weeks he's been crawling on his hands and knees and hates to be confined anywhere now that he knows how to get around. He is pulling up on anything and everything, including my legs. He is cruising as well and just growing up too fast! He has been teething something fierce lately and has been really cranky, he has his 9 month check up this Wed so I am curious to see how much he's grown.
As I always end my posts, here are many pictures from our cruise and some newer pictures of Jacob and a video of him enjoying some of his first finger foods, until next time...............