Thursday, March 19, 2009

We have a walker!

Well Jacob is starting to walk a bit, he can walk several feet before tumbling but he is getting better everyday, I have been able to catch some of it on video, I would say in about 2 weeks he'll be walking everywhere without falling. Within a weeks time he went from taking 3-5 steps to walking 3-4 feet. He has had a little set back though as if he is still recovering from his first real sickness.

Last Friday night around mid afternoon I noticed he was really warm, I took his temp and it was 102.3, so I called his doc who was about to close for the day but said they would see him in the morning but I couldn't wait, I was worried and took him to a walk-in clinic. They told me his ears, nose, and throat all looked fine and that this was probably the start of a virus so nothing could be done. We went out to eat that night and he didn't want to eat, I gave him some juice and he took that but right after it he threw up, twice. We took him home where he didn't want anything to eat or drink, we gave him a bath and were a little worried he would get dehydrated without enough fluid. I tried rocking him to sleep and giving him more to drink but he threw up three more times, the last time covering me, I was so scared for him and started crying, this is the first time I've dealt with this with him, he's been a really healthy baby. I gave him some motrin and he took just a sip or two of pedialyte and put him to bed. Saturday morning I took him to his Pediatrician, they said the same as the other doc, everything looked fine and it was the start of a virus; he seemed a bit better later in the day on Saturday, not throwing up anymore and he was eating more, still not too interested in drinking and 100% refused milk. I thought it seemed like he was almost back to normal Sunday until he woke up Monday morning with a stuffed up nose and croup! Well it was back to the docs that day who said now his throat looked really red so they ran a strep test but it was negative, so it was another virus, poor baby. As of today he still has a bit of a cough, sneezing a bit, but he's on the road to recovery, he still doesn't want anything to do with milk but he's taking a bit of juice and water. I am trying to make up for the lack of calcium with yogurt and cheese. mommy is sick too, I feel pretty blah. I have a stuffed up nose and sore throat, I am not focused on me, I just want my little one to feel back to normal as soon as possible.