Thursday, September 25, 2008

Bath time!

This will be a quick post as it is pretty late, I just wanted to share a few new pictures of Jacob at bath time, this little guy absolutely loves his baths, he has a complete ball every night in the bath, he can be in the worst mood, completely cranky, you stick him in the bath and its a 360 turn around, he is happy again!

Before I end, I want to mention that we have two front, top teeth buds! I see the two little white teeth right at the surface very close to breaking the skin, we should have them in the next couple days, he already has his middle bottom two teeth, their fully through but it should be 4 teefers soon! Goodnight all.....




Friday, September 12, 2008

Oh my!

Well well, Jacob and I had quite a day on Wed. I put him in his jumperoo and about 10 minutes later he started to fuss, I smelled something so I picked him up, and to my horrific amazment, Jacob's right leg was now a shade of brown, lets just say he had a major and I mean major blow out! It was quite a sight as I rushed him up stairs to the bathroom; he was kicking his legs in excitement but it wasn't too exciting cleaning the mess off the floor from him kicking his legs, I just cleaned him up the best I could and put him in the bath tub, he thought it was a bit funny but my goodness, what a time lol.

Well, onto other, less gross things. Jacob is sitting like a champ, he has been sitting for months but after about 30 seconds would start tilting over to fall, the last two weeks he's been sitting up without falling, he now sits up in his crib and turns his aquarium toy thats attached to his crib on, this is how I know he is awake. He is also trying his darnest to crawl still, he can get around short distances but it isn't a typical crawl, its kind of a....get up on the hands and knees and jolt myself forward kind of thing, I'm in no hurry to have him wreaking the house though, so whenever he crawls, thats fine.

We celebrated James 36th birthday all last week. Sept 1st we were at James mothers house a couple hours away for the annual labor day barbaque so she cooked homemade lazagna and brownie sundae's for dessert, yum! Those were James birthday dinner requests. Wed, I dropped Jacob off at my moms and James and I went out for his actual birthday, Sept 3rd and ate at a great italian restaurant called Scallinis, they give you a free meal if you eat there on the actual day of your birthday, you have to show them your i.d. Thursday night I decided to make one of James favorite meals, chicken pie, and he requested a chocolate mousse cake, I have never made a chocolate mousse cake before but being the avid baker that I am, I knew I could do it, so after much research on the dessert recipes, I chose one and decided to make it, it was an intense, time consuming recipe but it paid off, I have to say, it was one of the best chocolate desserts I've ever had and James loved it, it lasted almost a week, and I probably gained 5 pounds. Friday night our good family friend that I call my other brother took James to Longhorn, paid for his meal, and he got free ice cream, as well as eating more of my mousse cake that night. Saturday my parents took James out to his favorite restaurant, Maggianos and we had birthday cake back at my moms, so needless to say, James got several birthday celebrations last week, and we both ate far too much!

We're heading up to James Uncles this weekend for some fishing, yay! I love to fish, though I won't bait my hook if their using live worms, I will bait a cricket though. I love catching the fish more than anything, I make James take the fish off the hook for me :). His uncle has a beautiful lake house in the mountains of Jasper, GA...its so peaceful and relaxing, I hope Jacob has a good time. My parents and my oldest brother are meeting us up there for the day tomorrow.

Well, thats about all for now, time to pack for the weekend, here are a few pictures from James birthday outings, oh yes, and I got a new haircut:













Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Its been awhile

Wow, its been quite awhile since I've posted a blog, I am such a slacker. So much has been going on this past month, we had been preparing to move and pretty much had something going on every weekend this month, I am ready to finally relax and catch up on some things. At the beginning of August Jacob got his 6 month old pictures done, so I will share several of those, he is now over 7 months old though, 7 months on August 25th.

James and I love our new home, it is ten steps above the home we were living in that everything and anything went wrong in. I have majority of our boxes unpacked, I still have about 5 or 6 remaining. I have most of our pictures and such set up, its starting to really look like home, we're so blessed to have such a nice home and I just feel blessed in general to have a wonderful husband and son to share this home with.

We went down to my inlaws this past weekend for our annual Labor Day barbaque, James brother messed his back up so it was pretty miserable for him. James and his brother stay up all night the Saturday before Labor Day and roast a whole hog on a pit, its so tiring but its a yearly tradition and the meat was wonderful! I usually stay up most of the night every year but this year I had to head back to my mother in laws around 10:00pm with Jacob, their was no way he would hold out all night, this was my 7th barbaque, wow, I can't believe I've know James for over 7 years, where does the time go?

Jacob was loving all the attention he got with all the family members around for the barbaque, he was just showing off his little personality like crazy.

Onto crawling.....Jacob is trying his hardest to crawl, right now he has this thing going where he'll get up on all fours and rock back and forth really hard and lunge himself forward until he gets where he wants to go, I give him a week and he'll be crawling all over the place, time to baby proof! He has the leg movement going on but he hasn't quite figured out how to move his hands with his legs to get the actual proper crawling motion going...he is so close though.

Well, I would be excited to mention I lost 5 pound recently but I am afraid I've probably gained 3-5 back over the Labor Day weekend lol. James family has always been known for some great southern cooking, which includes lots of fattening, but oh so yummy food and I ate more than I care to mention.

Well, I guess I am going to wrap it up for now, hopefully I'll be able to keep up with the blogging better now that we're settled into our new home, enjoy the pictures.












