Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Its been awhile

Wow, its been quite awhile since I've posted a blog, I am such a slacker. So much has been going on this past month, we had been preparing to move and pretty much had something going on every weekend this month, I am ready to finally relax and catch up on some things. At the beginning of August Jacob got his 6 month old pictures done, so I will share several of those, he is now over 7 months old though, 7 months on August 25th.

James and I love our new home, it is ten steps above the home we were living in that everything and anything went wrong in. I have majority of our boxes unpacked, I still have about 5 or 6 remaining. I have most of our pictures and such set up, its starting to really look like home, we're so blessed to have such a nice home and I just feel blessed in general to have a wonderful husband and son to share this home with.

We went down to my inlaws this past weekend for our annual Labor Day barbaque, James brother messed his back up so it was pretty miserable for him. James and his brother stay up all night the Saturday before Labor Day and roast a whole hog on a pit, its so tiring but its a yearly tradition and the meat was wonderful! I usually stay up most of the night every year but this year I had to head back to my mother in laws around 10:00pm with Jacob, their was no way he would hold out all night, this was my 7th barbaque, wow, I can't believe I've know James for over 7 years, where does the time go?

Jacob was loving all the attention he got with all the family members around for the barbaque, he was just showing off his little personality like crazy.

Onto crawling.....Jacob is trying his hardest to crawl, right now he has this thing going where he'll get up on all fours and rock back and forth really hard and lunge himself forward until he gets where he wants to go, I give him a week and he'll be crawling all over the place, time to baby proof! He has the leg movement going on but he hasn't quite figured out how to move his hands with his legs to get the actual proper crawling motion going...he is so close though.

Well, I would be excited to mention I lost 5 pound recently but I am afraid I've probably gained 3-5 back over the Labor Day weekend lol. James family has always been known for some great southern cooking, which includes lots of fattening, but oh so yummy food and I ate more than I care to mention.

Well, I guess I am going to wrap it up for now, hopefully I'll be able to keep up with the blogging better now that we're settled into our new home, enjoy the pictures.














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