Saturday, November 29, 2008

Jacob had his first Thanksgiving

Well Jacob had his first Thanksgiving and all went well. We drove down to Sandersville to my mother in laws on Wed evening and stayed the night. Thursday afternoon we had a huge Thanksgiving lunch at James grandma's who is 81 years old and still cooking her huge feast, that lady amazes me! After enjoying lunch and fellow shipping with James family we headed back to Mableton around 3:00pm to make it to my mothers around 5:30pm for Thankgiving dinner, thats right, we had to eat twice! I tried hard not to eat too much at James grandma's but her red velvet cake, chocolate cake, and many other desserts to choose from were irresistible! I don't care to know how many pounds I gained that day, I tried to just enjoy this special Thanksgiving which was my little boys first. Jacob enjoyed all the foods that we had beside the desserts. He had a little turkey, corn, mashed potatoes, dumplings, green beans, sweet potatoes, corn cruffle, dressing, pineapple caserole, and rolls! He was loving it and he was stuffed after a long day of eating.

I was so thankful for all the blessings the Lord has blessed me with on that day of Thanksgiving. I am thankful for my wonderful husband, no matter what difficult times come our way, we stick together through it all and have a love for each other that will never end. I am thankful for my wonderful son whom I desired for many years before the Lord decided it was time to bless us with him, I love him more then words can say and I'll never forget what a miracle he truly is. I am thankful for my family, I wouldn't be the person I am without them, I am thankful that I got to be with each and every one of them for this special holiday. I am thankful for my friends, though I didn't get to spend this special day with them, they were on my heart and I am thankful to have them in my life. I am thankful for all the necessities that I am provided in life, a nice vehicle, home, food, clothes...things people might take for granted, I am just so blessed and thankful for it all, though I might forget to thank the Lord for it all on a daily basis.

I have some pictures to share from Thanksgiving but I have not uploaded them yet, so I will be sure to post them within the next couple days once their uploaded...God Bless!

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