I am so far behind on blogging. Here it is over a month past Christmas and I am just now getting Christmas pictures up, shame on me! We had a quick dinner and finger foods on Christmas eve and socialized with my side of the family. Christmas morning we opened gifts at our own house and then went over to my mothers around 11:00am and opened more gifts, we had a great Christmas dinner at my mothers as well. We drove down to Sandersville a day after Christmas to see my mother in law, she had a nice shrimp dinner for us and we opened more gifts, I cannot even begin to describe the amount of toys Jacob received! My gracious, I had no idea what to do with them all, several of them are still unopened and stuffed into his closest, there is just no way he can play with them all! Here are several pictures from Christmas eve and day, next post will be all about the 1 year birthday we just celebrated yesterday, yep, the little man is 1 year old!
Professional Christmas Pictures

Christmas Eve

Christmas Day at our house

Christmas Day at nana and papa's house

My homemade strawberry cheesecake

Singing happy birthday to Jesus!
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