Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Jacob helping decorate the tree for the first time

Well a few weeks ago we put our Christmas tree up and I had a great little helper this year. Jacob helped put some balls on and he enjoyed grabbing the tree branches, but surprisingly he hasn't messed with it like I thought he would, I let him crawl all over the house and he rarely ever goes over to the tree to mess with it and he is starting to learn our stern voices when we try to redirect him from something he isn't supposed to be doing, he'll sit up, stare, and go the other way.

Our plans for Christmas...well typically we go see James side of the family the day before Christmas eve, stay the night and celebrate with a homemade shrimp dinner, opening gifts, and having a good time on Christmas eve, we then head back home Christmas eve night and basically come in and go to bed, then we celebrate Christmas day with my side of the family, opening gifts Christmas morning and having Christmas dinner that night. Well this year James mom has to work Christmas eve so it will be switched up a bit, we'll be here with my family for Christmas eve and day and will be heading down to see James family the day after Christmas, on Friday the 26th. We will stay over until Saturday and head back home that evening as we have important things going on at church the following morning. I am excited to be celebrating Jacob's first Christmas, he doesn't know whats going on but I plan to take lots of pictures and I am sure he'll be overloaded with lots of toys that I have no clue where to put.

We're having a Christmas party at our house this Friday night, we're inviting some of our closest friends from church and plan to have a steak dinner, James cooks the best steaks ever! I plan to make fresh broccoli, a pineapple caserole, and a new york pumpkin cheesecake, our friends are bringing a couple dishes as well and we invited our newlywed friends to stay the night so I am really looking forward to it.

Here are some pictures of our family decorating the Christmas tree...thats all for now....












1 comment:

Unknown said...

Joanne!!! He has gotten so big! It's been too long since we've chatted! God bless hun! *HUGS* Kristin