Friday, May 22, 2009

Our Destin beach vacation

Well we're back from our vacation, it went by really fast, I wish we could have stayed longer, we needed at least 1 week, 2 1/2 days just didn't seem like enough time but we made the most of it. We arrived pretty late Friday evening around 7:00pm, we unloaded the car into our townhouse rental, it was a nice place, 2 bedroom 2.5 bathroom 2 story townhouse that we got a great deal on it. We headed to dinner at a placed called Cheeseburger in paradise, it was pretty basic but decent, Jacob was really cranky and ready for bed so we called it a night after dinner. Saturday we headed towards Pensacola to go to the Gulf Breeze Zoo and meet up with a close friend that I've known online for about 4 years, it was so neat getting to meet her, we had a nice time but it was super hot which Jacob wasn't fond of. We got to see lots of animals until we had to leave about 2 1/2 hours into the zoo because Jacob was getting cranky. After a nap on the way back to the townhouse we headed to the beach, unfortunately things started out bad as Jacob rubbed his eyes and got lotion in them and started screaming, his eyes swelled up and were all red, he looked terrible. After a bit of drama trying to clean his eyes out we went down to the beach, Jacob was quite cranky the rest of the day from the lotion incident but loved the beach! He laughed his head off when the waves hit him and he loved playing in the sand and got so mad when we had to leave.

Saturday night we went to dinner at a place called Landry's, it made us nervous when we walked in because it was super fancy with white table clothes and we worried Jacob would make a scene like he does at all restaurants. For some reason Jacob feels the need to fuss, scream, and carry on in restaurants, I don't know why but it takes a ton to keep him remotely quite in restaurants. The food was fantasic at this place but it was very pricey, my steak was out of this world though and we shared an awesome chocolate brownie with nuts and ice cream, yum!

Sunday we headed down to the beach again, this time minus lotion in Jacob's eyes so he was much happier that day, we stayed at the beach for awhile until it started to thunder, we bought some beach toys the day before to take down to the beach Sunday and Jacob was pretty content with those for awhile. He hated to leave the beach again but we took him back for a nap and went down to the pool later that afternoon which Jacob enjoyed in his new floaty. Sunday night we ate at a unique place called Fudpuckers, they had a live alligator pond and all this crazy scenery, it entertained Jacob but the food was way overpriced and not great quality, I think they charged like that because of all the neat things they had.

We went to an ice cream shop after dinner and Jacob got a vanilla baby cone while James and I enjoyed a chocolate malt, it was super good and I was so off my diet. Luckily I only gained 1 pound on my trip to take my weight loss of 32 pounds down to 31, but I can live with that.

Monday was the day we had to leave but we wanted to take Jacob down to the beach to play in the sand before we left, we couldn't go in the water because we were already checked out of our townhouse and didn't want to drive home sticky. Jacob did everything in his will to get back to that water though and threw a complete tantrum when we tried to guide him away from it. After our last frolic on the beach, we headed home, and that was our trip!

Here are a TON of pictures from our vacation, I was finally able to really test the new D90 camera out!

1 comment:

Laura said...

So cute! Love the beach pictures. I'm glad you guys had a great time away.