Thursday, July 31, 2008

A day at the park and new milestones

I took Jacob to the park for the first time a couple days ago, he enjoyed it but it was nearing nap time so he was a bit sleepy, I still managed to steal some of those heart melting smiles. I put him in the kiddie swing for the first time and he was just so calm and cool swinging, he almost seemed as though he was going to fall asleep.

Jacob cut his first two teeth! Saturday I noticed something white in his mouth and sure enough, they were two teeth buds! Their coming through pretty well now and he is rather cranky from it, but its understandable. We also have Jacob finally sleeping in his own room and no more swaddle, we took that away about a month ago and he seems to be fine without it. The first week in his own room he did great, only waking up once or twice, I thought it was too good to be true and that it wouldn't last, and I was right..........

Ever since his teeth came through he has been pretty restless at night, I have tried Orajel, teething tablets, teethers, ice, and Tylenol...only thing that seemed to help him was the Tylenol but even that wore off pretty quick. I called the doctor yesterday and they said I could give him some infant Motrin which lasts longer than Tylenol so I gave him a bit of that around 5:20am when he got really restless. It seemed to help his pain but it didn't help him fall back asleep, he seems to be getting into routine of waking at 5:00am and not wanting to go back to sleep until 7:00am...its a bit rough having to get up that early and stay awake until he goes back to sleep, but I guess thats all part of it.

Jacob is also sitting up unassisted for short periods of time, he can go as long as 45 seconds without flopping over, my boy is growing up! He is rolling all over the place but not showing any major signs of crawling yet, I know some babies skip crawling all together and go straight for walking, but we shall see.

Its time for Jacob's 6 month professional pictures this Sunday, so I am sure I will have a ton of pictures to share in my next post. We go to this place called Portrait Innovations, I love them because the pictures are taken with digital camera's which I think can capture the moment so much better than a camera machine that doesn't move at your typical photo studio's. Also, this portrait place prints your photos up right after your session and their ready within 30 mins, so no waiting and coming back to pick up your photos, I love them.

Here are some recent pictures from Jacob sitting up and his day at the park, enjoy....












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