Thursday, July 3, 2008

Jacob's new bumbo and seeing memama

Jacob got a bumbo seat about two weeks ago, he looks so adorable sitting up in that thing, looks like a little man. We also went to visit James family a week and a half ago, I wish they got to see Jacob more often but they live 2 1/2 hours away and hate to travel, so its usually us visiting them. Jacob got a bit spoiled while we were there, but thats to be expected, thats grandma's job right?

Jacob in his bumbo

Visiting Memama and Nanny, more family came to visit too:

Daddy's cousins, aunt, and uncle loved Jakers!


Memama and Jake



Nanny and Jacob


Right now we're trying to figure out how to get Jacob unswaddled at night, here he is, almost 5 1/2 months old and still won't sleep long unless he is swaddled, his little arms and hands fail and wake him up if I try sleeping him unswaddled. Another task we're dealing with right now is getting Jacob to sleep in his own bedroom, I remember before I was even pregnant I would always say, when we have a baby, it will be in its own room no later than 3 months....boy thats easier said than done when your desperate for sleep. Jacob wakes approximately 2-6 times a night and having to walk on the other side of the house to soothe him back to sleep, not to mention he doesn't always go back to sleep if he isn't in our room, I might just be a walking zombie. Right now he sleeps in am Amby bed next to our bed and when he wakes up I just rock him back to sleep in it, sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. We're moving to a new house on August 16th and no matter how much sleep I lose, I have commited to getting Jacob switched into his own room when we move. I have decided that the cry it out method will then get started when we switch him into his room, let him cry for so long, if he doesn't stop, soothe him, don't pick up, and than could be an all night process those first couple weeks but I'll just have to get naps when James gets home for work. I could even be surprised and Jacob may adjust very well (wishful thinking).

We're excited about our move coming up, this house is so nice, perfect size for our little family and in a great, family community. Here is a picture of the house:

I am hoping to get into the house a little early to do some painting, I want to paint Jacob's bedroom more than any of the other rooms. Well, the little guy is fussing away, thats all for now.

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